this post does contain affiliate links but as always all thoughts & suggestions are from my experience

How Much Raw Food to Feed My Dog

When I started raw feeding, I had to make the change from simply scooping out two scoops of kibble to actually calculating how much I should feed by the pound and them making sure I stocked that much in my freezer to last till my next shipment. It was a huge inconvenience and the math seemed daunting. Not because I didn't know how but because I was just not used to doing it. I created this interactive cheat sheet for all my fellow busy, out-of-practice raw feeding beginners who just need a starting point on how much to feed their dogs, without scoops.

How to Use This Dog Food Calculator

This is a basic amount of food feed your dog daily in pounds based on their current weight, age, and body mass index. When I say food to feed I mean the total amount. All veggies, brains, or fur are included in the total. Whichever raw diet you choose to feed this will be the amount that ends up in your dog's bowl every day. This is also just a guideline to get started on finding your dog's personal amount. Just like us your dog's metabolism and activity levels vary. If you notice that your adult dogs last two ribs are starting to stick out start feeding more. If they start to gain weight feed less. If you have a puppy feed as much as they will eat in four separate meals per day. And as always, refer to your vet if you have questions. I am happy to help but am not medically trained, just a fellow dog lover sharing my experience.

How Much Raw Dog Food to Buy

Now that we know how much to feed per day we need to figure out how much we need to order/buy and how often. I suggest you base your buy amount in weeks. Why weekly, you ask? Well, that because my dogs eat every day, 7 days a week. Only weeks have the same amount of days, the number of days in a month varies.

Raw Dog Food Prep or Order Amount Calculator

This handy Raw Dog Food Prep Calculator I made for your raw feeding convenience. It will help you decide how much to buy at one time & how long that amount will last for your household now that you know how much to feed per day.

After that, I just need to see how much I can fit into my freezer. I just bought the smallest amount possible from Raw Paws that would last a week. Put into my freezer, and estimated if I could double or triple that amount for my next purchase. I always round up when buying then simply delay my next buy/order a day or two then start the process all over.

How I Get These Raw Diet Amounts

Back when I was still a customer service agent at a raw pet food company they had a basic guideline for us to use. After the customer received an order they would then call in to adjust their order to accommodate what their pets actually ate. I was one of the point people to take those calls. This is a combination of the standard suggested raw feeding amount with what I personally adjusted hundreds of households during my time on the phones.

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Raw Dog Food Calculator

Article Name

Raw Dog Food Calculator


A simple calculator to gauge how much raw food your dog will need based on weight, age, and size.


Aimee Jurenka

Publisher Name

The Lazy Raw Feeder

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