Is Kong Easy Treat Good for Dogs

39 Healthy Treats You Can Stuff in a Kong

39 Healthy Treats to Stuff in a Kong

I've said it before, and I'm gonna say it again — stuffing a Kong is one of the best ways to keep your dog busy and entertained. Now I may sound like a broken record, but when it comes to keeping your dog busy and mentally stimulated stuffed Kong's are amazing. They're easy to prepare, they last a long time, and they're a great way to keep your dog entertained.

If you're looking for an easy way to keep your dog busy and provide them with plenty of extra mental stimulation you can't go wrong with using a stuffed Kong.

And if you're not sure what sorts of things to use for Kong stuffing no worries — you've come to the right place. Here's 39 healthy treats you can stuff in a Kong.

A Stuffed Kong is a Simple Way to Keep Your Dog Busy

Are you looking for an easy way to keep your dog busy? By stuffing a Kong you're making your dog work for his food, and giving them an opportunity to use some of their natural scavenging abilities. And stuffed Kong's take time for dogs to get through — they're a simple way to keep your mentally stimulated and out of trouble.

The best part is you don't have to buy any fancy Kong stuffing either (though there are some cheap options if you want premade). You can use all sorts of snacks and treats, and below you'll find a list of 39 healthy treats & snacks you can stuff in a Kong.

The Benefits of Stuffing a Kong

Stuffing a Kong is one of the easiest ways to keep your dog mentally stimulated, but that's not the only benefit. The benefits of Kong stuffing include:

  • Stuffing a Kong will keep your dog busy & entertained
  • Stuffed Kong's are great for slowing down dogs that eat too fast
  • They can help keep your dog occupied while you go to work or do chores
  • A stuffed Kong will give your dog a simple job to do
  • Stuffed Kong's provide your dog with plenty of mental stimulation
  • They're a simple way to use up leftovers (see the list below for healthy options)

When you're looking for a quick way to keep your dog busy or distracted a stuffed Kong is the perfect toy for the job. There's all sorts of healthy things you can put in a Kong to keep your dog engaged — from ice chips mixed with veggies to your dogs favorite kibble. (They're also dishwasher safe which makes cleaning up a breeze)

I've also discovered that what I stuff in the Kong doesn't seem to matter much. The fact that it's an interactive toy is what seems to be the real draw. Laika loves a challenge, especially when it's figuring out how to get all those frozen berries out of that Kong.

I could use expensive dog treats today and chopped apple slices tomorrow — my dog will go nuts for either. Instead of buying specially made treats I've started using the healthy leftovers I've got in my fridge.

Good Alternatives to Kong Toys

If you don't own a Kong (or if you're not a fan of Kong toys) check out the West Paw Toppl Toy, it's my favorite Kong alternative. They're easy to freeze, they come in large & small sizes, and they're dishwasher safe. And as far as durability they stand up to my 75 pound dog just as well as a Kong.

Another option is the Star Mark Bob a Lot toy, though it's best used for solid foods because it only has one small hole for the food to come out of. You can fit about 3 cups of food inside a large Bob a Lot, and they're durable and easy to wash like Kongs & West Paw toys.

Do You Ever Find Yourself Tossing Out Food?

I really don't like to waste food, and I bet you don't either. At the end of each week I always find myself with a few extra groceries that I don't know what to do with. What am I going to make with 5 green beans and a couple spoonfuls of broth? Instead of tossing out extras I mix them up and stuff them in Laika's Kong.

I Use Leftover Foods for Kong Stuffing

The great thing about Kong stuffing is the fun you can have mixing it up. Do you think the idea of frozen broth and green beans sounds gross? I do, but my dog certainly doesn't. Consider putting those extras to good use by stuffing them in your dogs Kong.

You might find yourself making some weird combos — but don't worry, your dog will love it. Dogs have weird palettes to say the least; it's not uncommon for dogs to eat tissues and poop. That's all I'm saying. If you had to choose between green beans mixed in frozen broth and a used tissue what would you eat?

How to Stuff a Kong

One quick thing to mention about stuffing a Kong — all those extra calories can add up pretty quick. Always keep in mind how much stuffing you're putting into your dogs Kong. If you're using a high calorie treat you don't need to fill it to the top to keep your dog busy.

Mix and match some of your dogs favorite foods, and don't be afraid to improvise with your favorite healthy dog treats. While mixing peanut butter and carrots together might not sound awesome to you I bet your dog will absolutely love it.

If your dog hasn't used a Kong before start out with some simple stuffing such as kibble or a few small treats. Encourage them to play with the Kong, and praise them when they start moving it around to get the treats out.

If your dog is already an expert at un-stuffing a Kong you can make it more challenging by freezing it. Freezing treats, mixing them with peanut butter, or using larger chunks will make the challenge of getting those treats out last much longer.

The Classics of Kong Stuffing

When it comes to stuffing a Kong there's a few key ingredients that make it really simple. The first step is choosing an ingredient that's good for freezing. That will be your base, and then you can choose other items such as kibble to add into the mix.

The bases you can use for Kong stuffing include:

  • Peanut Butter seems to be the most common Kong stuffing. It tastes great, it's usually already on hand, and it's texture and stickyness makes it a great, long lasting challenge for your dog. (make sure it doesn't contain xylitol)
  • Store Bought Kong Stuffing is a popular item at pet stores. It's available in a wide variety of flavors and comes in an easy to use spray can. (it's basically the Cheez Whiz of the dog world)
  • Broth (chicken or beef are popular choices) is a great supplement when stuffing a Kong because you can easily freeze it. What I like to do is dab a bit of peanut butter over the hole in the bottom of the Kong, then place it upside down in a cup and fill with your liquid and freeze it for a couple hours.
  • Yogurt is another popular choice for stuffing Kongs.
  • Canned Dog Food can be used as a base when stuffing a Kong.

*Puppy tip: Using some frozen low sodium chicken or beef broth in a Kong can make an excellent teething toy.

After you've filled your dog's Kong with something that can be frozen you can add in more ingredients. When starting out with Kong stuffing you can use some common items you've already got on hand:

  • Kibble is great, especially for dogs that are new to having a Kong. Most kibble is small enough that it will just easily fall out which encourages your dog to keep playing with it for more rewards.
  • Dog Treats are a popular choice, and as you know they come in many shapes and sizes. Whether you're using your own homemade dog treats or some store bought ones all doggies seem to love some old fashioned treats.

So now that you know the basic staples of Kong stuffing here's the big list of healthy foods you can use.

39 Healthy Foods You Can Stuff in a Kong

This is the big list of healthy foods you can add to your dogs Kong, and if you like you can add some meat for some extra protein. Just remember to watch the fat content — the skin and certain cuts of meat can contain extra calories that can add up quickly.

And remember to use these treats and snacks in moderation, especially when trying new foods with your dog. Some dogs have sensitive stomachs, and the addition of new foods can cause digestive issues.

Here's a list of healthy treats you can use for Kong stuffing:

  • Apples (no core, stems, or seeds)
  • Applesauce
  • Asparagus
  • Baby Food (natural)
  • Bananas
  • Blackberries (will stain – use with caution)
  • Blueberries (will stain – use with caution)
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Cantaloupe
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Celery
  • Cheese (watch for fat content)
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Cucumber
  • Eggs
  • Flax Seeds
  • Green Beans
  • Honey (in moderation due to high sugar content)
  • Kale
  • Oatmeal
  • Oranges (in moderation)
  • Peanut Butter
  • Peas
  • Pineapple
  • Pumpkin (canned)
  • Rice (cooked)
  • Rutabaga
  • Salmon
  • Spinach
  • Squash
  • Steak
  • Strawberries
  • Sugar Snap Peas
  • Sweet Potato
  • Watermelon (seedless)
  • Yogurt (plain, lowfat)
  • Zucchini

Looking for an easy way to keep your dog busy? Here's 39 healthy snacks to stuff in a Kong

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Now You Can Mix It Up With Your Own Kong Stuffing Recipes

So now that you've got a big list of healthy foods you can use in your Kong it's time to mix it up. Instead of throwing out those odd ingredients you don't have any plans for make them into a simple Kong recipe. I have no idea what I'd to do with one egg, a can of baby food, and a little bit of broth — but I know could make something my dog would enjoy.

Do you have some salmon, an apple, and some peanut butter? Line the inside of your Kong with peanut butter and toss in some cooked salmon chunks and apple slices. Freeze it for a few hours and you've got yourself a toy that will keep your dog busy for quite some time. Let's call this masterpiece the PB Applefish. Yeah it sounds gross I know, and it's a terrible name, but trust me when I say your dog will love it.

You can get creative with your own Kong stuffing recipes by mixing and matching healthy treats you've already got on hand. Some combinations might make you question your sanity, but your dog will love watching you prepare that salmon & apple just for them. They'll be enthusiastic to try out all of your new recipes, and they'll eat it up as if it were the best thing you've ever created. Dog palettes are weird, what can I say?

If you don't own a Kong you're missing out on a simple way to keep your dog busy (and a great excuse to make some crazy treats) and use up all those extra groceries. It's one of the few items I'd recommend to any dog owner.

Do You Have Any Favorite Kong Recipes?

Do you use stuffed Kongs to keep your dog busy? What sorts of Kong recipes have you made? Do you give your recipes horrible names like I do?

I don't know what I'd do without our Kong; it's the easiest way I've found to keep my dog occupied with minimal effort. It's a nice and simple way to keep your dog busy — and what dog doesn't want some homemade PB Applefish of their very own?

Resources & Recommended Reading

  • Kong Stuffing Recipes

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Recommended Reading:

  • 26 Quick & Easy Ways to Relieve Dog Boredom
  • 33 Easy Ways to Keep Your Dog Busy Indoors
  • 10 Ways to Give Your Dog More Mental Stimulation

39 Healthy Treats to Stuff in a Kong.

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Recommended Reading:


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